
Title: All about "角" in English


"角" is a Chinese word which can be translated in English as "horn" or "antler". It refers to the hard, pointed, and usually paired structures that protrude from the heads of various animals such as deer, antelopes, and rhinoceroses. In English, there are different terms to describe this part of an animal's anatomy depending on its specific characteristics and function.

Main Content:

I. Horn

A horn is a hard, pointed, and often curved projection that arises from the head of some animals. Examples are bighorn sheep, goats, and cows. Horns are made of keratin, which is the same protein that makes up our hair and nails. Unlike antlers, horns are permanent and continue to grow throughout the animal's life.

II. Antler

Antlers, on the other hand, are bony structures that grow and shed each year. These are typically found in members of the deer family, such as moose, elk, and white-tailed deer. Antlers are one of the fastest-growing tissues in nature and are used primarily by male animals during the mating season to establish dominance and attract mates.

III. Tusk

A tusk is a long, elongated tooth that protrudes from the mouth of some animals. Generally, tusked animals are members of the elephant family, although walruses and wild boars may also have tusks. Tusks are made of a type of ivory, which is a dense and hard material that is highly valued for its beauty and utility. These structures are also used for various purposes such as digging, defense, and display.

IV. Spike

A spike is a short and thin projection that is often found on the heads of certain animals, such as reptiles and insects. For example, some species of lizards and geckos have spiky crests on their heads, which they use for defense or territorial display. Insects like beetles and ants also have spikes on their head and thorax, which are used for anchorage and climbing.


In conclusion, "角" in English refers to different types of hard and pointed structures found in various animals. The terms for these structures depend on their length, shape, composition, and growth pattern. Understanding the different types of "角" and their functions can help us appreciate and respect the diversity of the animal kingdom.